Crozier Consulting Engineers was in the middle of a research project with Laurier University. They had the opportunity to share some of their initial findings at TRIECA Conference (Canada’s premier stormwater and erosion and sediment control conference). The client wanted to raise awareness and additional research support, Crozier turned to BANG! creative to help set themselves up for success at the conference.
We identified three levels of engagement for attendees:
1. Who is Crozier (high level introduction to the company and their services)
2. What is the research (overview of the research being performed via a presentation video and micro-site)
3. How do one get involved (invitation to join the research via presentation, microsite and handout)
The handout was a specific gem, we worked with a specialty paper company and developed a coaster made from biodegradable paper packed with wildflower seeds. This spoke directly to the theme of the research, “Vegetation is a key, but often overlooked, component of stormwater management ponds”
The conference was a success, people attended the presentation at the conference And were invited to get involved via the microsite for more information. Attendies also received the take-one marketing piece promoting research to improve the future of stormwater management. These coasters got the Crozier name out there and was in-line with the messaging at the event – vegetation being a key, but often overlooked component of stormwater management ponds.
Since the TRIECA conference other Western University joined the project, along with other research partners.
Marketing Strategy / Creative Direction / Art Direction / Graphic Design / Copywriting / Video Production / Media Management / Social Media Strategy / Advertising / Special Event / Consultation
CROZIER “Biodegradable Seed Paper” COASTER
A take-one marketing piece promoting research to improve the future of stormwater management. The coasters got the Crozier name out there and was in-line with the messaging at the event – vegetation being a key, but often over- looked component of stormwater management ponds.
Seed paper is a biodegradable eco-paper made with post-consumer materials and embedded with wildflower seeds.